Wednesday, 26 April 2017


Daisy has been hopping around downstairs recently.

Rabbits move in the most peculiar fashion.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

A nice rest

After a long run and dinner, both rabbits have been sleeping together.

They're both flopped!

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Free range rabbits (almost)

We have been letting our pet rabbits run relatively freely around downstairs lately.

Here, Daisy is exploring the camera.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Feeding times

To complement the masses of hay, Daisy and Blossom have two meals of rabbit food a day.

Their diet is especially planned for maximum health and cuteness.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

It's a box!

This is Blossom exploring a cardboard box.

She is nibbling it. She has also been hiding in it and jumping on it. Poor box!

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Blossom the explorer

Yesterday, we let our pet rabbits explore downstairs.

This is the furthest south Blossom has probably been.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Daisy's box

Today, we have let our rabbits explore downstairs.

We think Daisy quite likes this cardboard box.

Sleepy rabbits

It seems that our pet rabbits, Daisy and Blossom, have had a good Easter.

They both look like they have eaten too many Easter eggs!

Sunday, 16 April 2017

A quick drink

Today, Daisy and Blossom have been drinking lots of water.

You can see Blossom's tongue lapping up the water at this angle.

Easter Bunnies

"Hoppy Easter!" - from Daisy and Blossom.

They are both having Easter naps.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

A demolished rabbit toy.

Our new rabbits have been enjoying a couple of new toys to stimulate their minds.

It seems that they prefer chewing this ball than pushing it around.


Today, we expanded Daisy and Blossom's roaming area.

Blossom exploring

They now have double the space to laze around with a new pen.

Blossom's tash

One of our many favourite things about Blossom is her grey marking around her nose.

We think it looks a lot like a moustache.

Morning breakfast!

This morning, Daisy and Blossom had breakfast together outside of the cage.

It was an experimental idea, but we think it's better if all food is served inside their house.

Friday, 14 April 2017

What's this?

As rabbits are crepuscular, our rabbits nap a lot of the time.

It seems as Blossom is looking at the camera through the tunnel, but she is actually resting. Night night Blossom.

Daisy and a face full of hay

Daisy has been burrowing her face in hay.

Hay is her main food source.

Long ears

As our pet rabbits are dwarf lops, they have long, drooping ears.

They also have the most amazing whiskers!

Thursday, 13 April 2017

One ear up...

Daisy and Blossom are both settling well in together.

Blossom's ears look like they are defying gravity.

A short stroking session.

As part of our bonding process, we have daily stroking sessions with our new pet rabbits, Daisy and Blossom. Here are some of the photos taken:

Blossom being stroked

Daisy seemed to enjoy being cuddled

A happy rabbit

Despite having some trouble picking Daisy up, the operation ran fairly smoothly...

Hay sweet hay.

Daisy and Blossom have been eating a lot of hay.

Nom nom nom.

Resting together

It seems that Daisy and Blossom are happy resting together.

Daisy seems more wary and Blossom just wants to relax.

Wake up Blossom

After a quick bedding change, our new pet rabbits have been nibbling at the hay.

Blossom is on rabbit lookout, whilst Daisy is flopped behind.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

What a flop!

Today, Daisy and Blossom have been flopping a lot.

Blossom seems quite relaxed.

This is a good sign of happy rabbits.

Daisy is looking cute

One of our new pet rabbits, Daisy, is looking as adorable as ever.

Blossom, however is trying to sleep!

Snuggling in together

Our new pet rabbits, Daisy and Blossom are settling in well.

Daisy (right) and Blossom (left) have been sleeping off yesterday's car journey.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Our new pet rabbits!

Here are our new pet rabbits, Daisy and Blossom:

They are dwarf lops and we think they are very cute.