Sunday, 31 December 2017

New Years Eve - a Fiftieth Post special

This blog, Daisy and Blossom, has reached a great milestone: 50 posts! In this particular photo special post, I will be looking back on the 2017, and some of the best rabbit moments so far.

The first Day, on the 11th of April
Daisy and Blossom settle in to their new home.
They enjoy eating...
...and drinking...
...and exploring.
A new toy?
Birthday Buns...
...and Christmas toys!

I hope you have enjoyed a rabbit filled 2017!

Monday, 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas - from the buns!

Daisy and Blossom have been enjoying a good Christmas day.

Here Blossom is with Walnut, their Christmas Present.